
words are plentiful
words are like dust
words are everywhere

you say words to me
in turn, words form
in my head but

are these the words
you spoke – or
some other words

I think I got it right
the words, that is
the words I think I
heard you speak

certainly there are
lots and lots of words
they are like dust

did you speak words
to me? or did I
form them myself?

I cannot understand
the words when you
shout at me nor
when you mumble

my mind

my mind has
become a city

that started out
as nothing more
than an outpost

then became a
hamlet then
a village

the very first
settlers had a
different idea

than those who
followed; these streets
had a purpose then
that others changed

and everyone who
came to live in
my town altered

how to get
from here
to there

and now I live
in urban sprawl
in my mind

sometimes I
am not so sure
of how to get back

sometimes I
get caught in
my own rush
hour traffic

She was – I am

She was a witness to disaster
          And emotional upheaval
She’d seen families that were torn apart
          And in economic despair
There were carnal violations
          There was blood upon the easel
But she didn’t seem to notice
          Or she didn’t seem to care

You said happiness is a puzzle
          Some unworkable conundrum
And life is never really that
          What life appears to be
Love and hate and in between
          Sorrow, joy or boredom
We’ll not project the paladin
          And not impose our sympathy

I was sitting in a diner
          You were right across the table
I was drinking coffee
          You were busy with your phone
I asked if you were happy
          You didn’t even answer
I thought I caught a smile from you
          But I could never know

spring day # 37

on spring day number thirty-seven
i remember nothing new and wing
along inside mind’s eye
to capture        so to speak
a prize, a gem of introspection
one that i might share        and pen
my quiet jubilation        so
the cause of what i might expect is simple
seems to be neglect of all which bears
resemblance to a memory
or ample contemplation        oh
now there’s a thought-
ful pause inside this realm of mine
to realize that what is not is
new when it becomes        i see the
light of day beside the elm tree
fade away as bits of cotton battin’
float northeast away to shade
some other place        and when
the sun comes back to me and
i beside the elm tree watch
a bird, a fly, a bee
i catch an armadillo bug beneath a
rock with seven slugs and then i
roll the little fellow as a ball
around the trash can lid
and this he does so patiently until i
smash him to the ground        it’s
all she wrote for mr. bug        the
fall was just too much, no parachute
like dandelions which
sail forever        they can float
back down to earth or glide in
to a neighbor’s weeds I shouldn’t mind
if those weeds grow their roots
across the driveway birth is such a
lovely thing


We know that
Everybody has one
And we all make excuses
Every single person has
An evil friend

We also know
The day is long
And, too, the night is short
How can we ever live without
Our evil friend

We do things
That we should not do
We don’t do things we should
We struggle yet accommodate
That evil friend

We rarely challenge
And sometimes, too
We all become
Some other’s
Evil friend

‘Cause we all know that
Everybody has one
Why? We don’t quite know
But every single person has
An evil friend

i was walking in chicago

i caught a whiff
          of spring just now
outside the school
          in middle march
the breeze is brisk
          but it is not cold
there is some snow
          still on the ground tho’
yet by nightfall
          dark will come the
colder wafts return as
          winter breezes back
but in this scent
          i do suspect
it won’t be long
          the icy, frigid
frost-bound days
          aren’t with us
curs’d no more

The wood burning kit

I got a wood burning kit for Christmas
        one year, long ago
        meant for searing names,
        designs and numbers
This plug-in, electric art/craft wonder
        occupied childhood time
        now spent with computers
        and video games
S.S. Kresge Five and Dime
        sold trinkets and
        affordable diversions
        like birdhouse kits and bookends
And small plastic soldiers and dinosaurs
        which, in early adolescence,
        offered up their heads
        to my wood burning kit
I kept Glenn’s bookends
        the set he made for ma
        with his kit many years before
        they were pretty special
        to ma and me

for empty lines

one line left
     the closet running
as another line
     entered singing

a simple image up
     and down
again it comes
     and goes

two with-
     out one line
both not withstanding
     one another

not tolerating
     as one line leaves
is one line lost
     and now returning

a simple image
     up and down
and so again it comes
     and goes

A little gift from Drake’s Sandwich Shop

a dint of sunny street
light shines up front
but in the back the
dim-lit high-back booths
pronounce the privacy
with dull green walls
and wooden seats and
glossy black accents

an ornate
stamped-tin ceiling seems
the only interloper here
(beyond the kitchen door
the dishes – heavy duty
dishes – clank and rattle)

Drake’s was old and
liked to let us know
we found the only sign
of really modern times
the vague and distant
melodies of modern songs
that crept in from the kitchen
and reminded us
the present was the past