I had an Angel

When I was a young man
I had me an angel
But I was a young man
With a long way to go
Packed up my caboodle
In search of adventure
Less honest than truthful
Left my angel behind

I married some women
I had me some children
I made me a living
Compressed and confined
But when I was a young man
I had me an angel
But I was a young man
Such a long time ago

I built me a castle
I lined it with silver
Readied for battle
But no one arrived
But when I was a young man
I had me an angel
But I was a young man
Things that I didn’t know

So now I’m an old man
And I’m all alone now
No longer a young man
Left my angel behind
But when I was a young man
I had me an angel
I was a young man
Such a long time ago

The Decembrist Wives

These were not common, these camp followers
these devoted few women of those sparse survivors
sanctioned so to live or so as cold Sibir awaited
them and theirs to harshest toil and
they themselves impoverished aristocracy

among them none of those five hung – and three hanged twice –
for wanting just to see the end of serfdom’s slavery
made for them the hope of somehow being
in the farthest east Yakutsk or yet perhaps Nerchinsk

the rough and crude, abusive solitude
this callous rule, this cruel administration,
ruthless, tsarist exile could not cause to waver
yea, could not unhinge their fealty

these dedicated brides of brave but doomed men
tho’ sickness and starvation caused to perish those
who could not make it through the bitter winters
these were women of steadfastness, loyalty and ardor

local folk, admirers of the ones who would not swear,
assisted as these women swept their mud floor huts and wept
their husbands hushed and placed in chains in mines
the utter desolation kept at bay by dint of love’s hard labor

no, these were not common, these camp followers
these devoted few women of those sparse survivors
sanctioned so to live or so as cold Sibir awaited

Did she stay with you ‘til morning?

     Did she stay with you ‘til morning?  Did she fly about the room like a modern-day Samantha with a black hat and a broom?  Did she cook you up a potion sure to make you fall in love?  Is she who you’re dreaming of?

     Did you dance across the ballroom in those patent-leather pumps?  Or did you boogie in the mosh pit taking in those grinds and bumps?  Did she swoon when you embraced her as she praised the lord above?  Is she who you’re dreaming of?

     Did you dine in fine extravagance – froufrou by candlelight?  Or did you slam a couple burgers at the bar on Friday night?  And does her mother really ever wear white satin gloves?  Is she who you’re dreaming of?

     Did she stay with you ‘til morning?  Did she awake within your arms?  Did you promise to protect her from all evil and all harm?  Is her touch that special feeling that you’ll never get enough?  Is she who you’re dreaming of?


Adelia was bedeviled
by the deal she got from me
she was bedeviled by the things
that she could feel but could not see
not that I was near
my dear Adelia when she died
the preacher said she left
us here to be with Jesus Christ

they buried dear Adelia
in a grove upon a hill
I visit it and sit
with dear Adelia still
she’s gone to be with Jesus
unbedeviled, no more fear
of unheard voices, unclear thoughts
at peace Adelia dear

She was – I am

She was a witness to disaster
          And emotional upheaval
She’d seen families that were torn apart
          And in economic despair
There were carnal violations
          There was blood upon the easel
But she didn’t seem to notice
          Or she didn’t seem to care

You said happiness is a puzzle
          Some unworkable conundrum
And life is never really that
          What life appears to be
Love and hate and in between
          Sorrow, joy or boredom
We’ll not project the paladin
          And not impose our sympathy

I was sitting in a diner
          You were right across the table
I was drinking coffee
          You were busy with your phone
I asked if you were happy
          You didn’t even answer
I thought I caught a smile from you
          But I could never know

These Fields

And though I walk these fields alone
I want only to be gone
I think I hear you call my name
I think you seem so far away

And while the summer breezes blow
From seeds the roots begin to grow
I think of you
But you’re so far away

     Take the passions from my past
     They cloud the present story
     The good times fade – the bad times last
     And keep us from the glory of our lives

And though I walk this field alone
And wishing only to be gone
I think the world is still the same
I think you’re still so far away

And while the summer breezes blow
I know we reap the crops we sow
Regret the bargains that
We cut so long ago

     Take the passions from my past
     They cloud the present story
     The good times fade – the bad times last
     And keep us from the glory of our lives


We know that
Everybody has one
And we all make excuses
Every single person has
An evil friend

We also know
The day is long
And, too, the night is short
How can we ever live without
Our evil friend

We do things
That we should not do
We don’t do things we should
We struggle yet accommodate
That evil friend

We rarely challenge
And sometimes, too
We all become
Some other’s
Evil friend

‘Cause we all know that
Everybody has one
Why? We don’t quite know
But every single person has
An evil friend

for empty lines

one line left
     the closet running
as another line
     entered singing

a simple image up
     and down
again it comes
     and goes

two with-
     out one line
both not withstanding
     one another

not tolerating
     as one line leaves
is one line lost
     and now returning

a simple image
     up and down
and so again it comes
     and goes

Of Misery and Happiness

Burden not the solitary equine
Willing servant, sumpter of e’erlasting woe
Tribulations tensed and thus so high-lined
Carry that which rightf’ly’s your own
Make not the son some candelabra stool
Nor husband tote contentment all and then
Nor daughter eat the sins of ancient fools
Nor wife protect the vanities of men
What share we may this blessed earth belong
To sing and dance as glad participants
To have and so be had in joyous song
The best of times we know shall never last
So burden not the solitary equine
For sorrow if it choose is only mine


When do my senses get caught up in fences?
When do my thoughts take a trip on their own?
All that I’ve wondered, the thoughts that I’ve pondered
All that I’ve seen, heard or touched all alone

My eyes see a stranger, my nose senses danger
But somehow I’m hearing the words of a friend
The air becomes cool as I sit on my bar stool
Playing another sad game of pretend

Sometimes we smell victory, sometimes a trick
Or follow your nose, move from where you are at
See all that is blue or look into the future
Hear what they’re saying up under their hat

What things seem to be, I often don’t see
Like feeling the fool when I’m winning respect
Or I thought I heard praise as their glasses were raised
But I’m not sure what next to expect
          (I don’t trust that pat on the back)

I’ve watched while he preaches, I’ve heard all his speeches
I’ve read of this, that, and the other big deal
My thoughts are confused, is my voice being used?
Concerned about credence – and what I don’t feel

When do my senses get caught up in fences?
When do my thoughts take a trip on their own?
All that I’ve wondered, the thoughts that I’ve pondered
All that I’ve seen, heard or touched all alone