Ananke is Coming

no time for sorrow
no time for grief
no time for pity
they’ll be wrangling in the streets
no time for laughter
no time for games
no time dillydally
everything has changed
Ananke is coming
she’s coming to take you away

lock up all your treasures
Katie bar the door
hide away the children
you won’t see them anymore
burn all your money
and records of your past
take a look around it
just might be your last
Ananke is coming
she’s coming to take you away

Ananke has brothers
a score of cousins too
they’ll descend upon the town
as their convoy rumbles through
hellfire and brimstone
high anxiety
lying, conniving
Ananke is coming
she’s coming to take you away

with sweet sounding promises
and caring concern
never mind the conflict with
everything you’ve learned
light becomes darkness
hate becomes love
despair appears deftly
on the wings of a dove
Ananke is coming
she’s coming to take you away

the intervention

it was a prickly situation
       there was tension in the air
the birds were getting skittish
       we had never thought to run
the armoire drawer was empty
       the countertop was bare
a gentle breeze blew through the trees
       then grandma went for the gun

we’d come to force an issue, yes
       which had gotten out of hand
with lots of grief to go around
       but we were having none
allegations, vile suspicions
       the floor becoming quicksand
but as thoughts of kin were creeping in
       that’s when grandma went for the gun

it happened in an instant
       uncle charlie pulled the shades
to cloak the rabelaisian
       to hide the setting sun
thank god the drawer’d been emptied
       and the counter cleared of blades
for no one dear was wounded here
       when grandma went for the gun

The First Step

The geese are heading north
A long cruel winter passed and now
A time for rebirth
Is upon us
A fallow mind is waiting
Hanging back
No thoughtful schemes
No sober propagations
Cloud this wistful dormancy,
This blissful paradox; a
Vague, translucent soul
Is tucked away

The geese are heading north
The time has come
For planting
The dormant field
Cannot control
What grows within
This envaulted ground
So nor can this disparaged
Intellect select it’s crop
Though fertile, rich, it
Cannot choose which path to follow

And so as the geese head north
And farmers ready fields
For planting
A fallow mind is
Hanging back
Unable to accept
The first step forward
Sitting out another season


We know that
Everybody has one
And we all make excuses
Every single person has
An evil friend

We also know
The day is long
And, too, the night is short
How can we ever live without
Our evil friend

We do things
That we should not do
We don’t do things we should
We struggle yet accommodate
That evil friend

We rarely challenge
And sometimes, too
We all become
Some other’s
Evil friend

‘Cause we all know that
Everybody has one
Why? We don’t quite know
But every single person has
An evil friend

Johnson Street

Your mind’s been blown
in thick pink clouds of rancid hue
from smoke and silt and residue
which left your brains in acid stew.
The film that stains your clothes dull green
lies in shadows kept unseen;
emits to us the raunch of what we see.
It keeps you dead to us ‘unknown’
and makes you perpetrate and groan
your want. It’s yours alone.
You pitiful sad thing,
you . . . you wanted everything
but now you’re left to feel the sting
and let the needle cling.
It’s done its deed.
You’ll lie in slush and let it bleed,
consuming wants with all your need.
It’s sad, indeed.