
Adelia was bedeviled
by the deal she got from me
she was bedeviled by the things
that she could feel but could not see
not that I was near
my dear Adelia when she died
the preacher said she left
us here to be with Jesus Christ

they buried dear Adelia
in a grove upon a hill
I visit it and sit
with dear Adelia still
she’s gone to be with Jesus
unbedeviled, no more fear
of unheard voices, unclear thoughts
at peace Adelia dear

movin’ or just movin’ on

toss it out
make some room
for new memories

ain’t no reason
to be hangin’ on
to what there
ain’t no need for

give a fond
remembrance now
and put it
in the trash

no yard sale stuff
that only crowds
some other person’s peace
some other’s mental space

jus’ toss it out
an’ move on . . .

Buddy Guy’s Legends

when it comes
with night lights blarin’
razor sharp an’
winkin’, wailin’
tuneful troubadours with
tales of woe an’ wonder
tales of loss an’ left to wander
hearts an’ souls
can’t bear to be alone but
never seem to stay together

so late at night
with night lights blarin’
razor sharp an’
winkin’, wailin’
tuneful troubadours
their passions pulsing
reliving every cut an’ stab
the harshest times
that never die
so crisp, so clear
come share their pain
can’t stay away
over an’ over
again an’ again