A little gift from Drake’s Sandwich Shop

a dint of sunny street
light shines up front
but in the back the
dim-lit high-back booths
pronounce the privacy
with dull green walls
and wooden seats and
glossy black accents

an ornate
stamped-tin ceiling seems
the only interloper here
(beyond the kitchen door
the dishes – heavy duty
dishes – clank and rattle)

Drake’s was old and
liked to let us know
we found the only sign
of really modern times
the vague and distant
melodies of modern songs
that crept in from the kitchen
and reminded us
the present was the past

Watching the Leaves Fall Off the Trees

She had a hard time with the numbers
In fact, she couldn’t do it at all.
It must have been the time of day

Or the way she wore her hair.
And it’s hard to say who was dumber
Or who looked sillier than who

As we sat on that cold cement slab
In late October –
Watching the leaves fall off the trees

the spectator

we love to smash ‘em up and love to hear ‘em crash
the pads, the hardwood pins, or bash the leather ball
          the timing of those sporting games
          appropriate, it grabs us all – such violence
          around us without feeling any pain
someone threw a rock and knocked another off a ledge
and soon we all were betting clams on arms and teams
          began to form the rocks and clubs were soon outdated though
          ‘cause also when the snow fell fans got cold
          so owners brought the teams indoors for winter
and as the athletes started bowling, playing basketball in fall
by winter hockey brought the fists a flyin’ lots of blood
          and fun for all and even racetrack frequenters
          are hoping for a smashup will it really go much further
          will we soon be watching murder?