I’m In Heaven

The sun beats down
     On the North Beach sand
Linda and Mary
     In their summer tan
Sipping lemonade
     As my skin gets fried
(1, 2, 3, 4)
     I must have died

I’m in heaven (do da do-da do)
I’m in heaven (do da do-da do)
I’m in heaven (do da do-da do)
I’m in heaven (do da do-da do)

Crowded into Kroll’s
     For the Sunday game
Bears at Packers
     I can feel the flame
Suzie and Karen
     Shouting football pride
(1, 2, 3, 4)
     I must have died

I’m in heaven (do da do-da do)
I’m in heaven (do da do-da do)
I’m in heaven (do da do-da do)
I’m in heaven (do da do-da do)

At Chief O’Neill’s
     In the afternoon
Drinking pints with a woman
     That I met in June
I can’t remember her name
     But you know I’ve tried
It doesn’t matter . . .
     I must have died

I’m in heaven (do da do-da do)
I’m in heaven (do da do-da do)
I’m in heaven (do da do-da do)
I’m in heaven (do da do-da do)

I’m on the Near West Side
     Underneath the moon
Sitting on a couch
     In The Tasting Room
I’ve got Connie and Becky
     On either side
(1, 2, 3, 4)
     I must have died

I’m in heaven (do da do-da do)
I’m in heaven (do da do-da do)
I’m in heaven (do da do-da do)
I’m in heaven (do da do-da do)


i sit
     and watch
my clothes turning

and the lady,
     her girl,
they sit
     and watch

it has been two years
     since that
old blue shirt
     has come out

and my jeans
losing themselves . . . too old

when i am done
my shirts are hung
my socks are matched
my undershorts
     are safely tucked
into my laundry bag
     i wink at the girl
and leave.

i don’t even wanna know

i don’t even wanna know
what you are gonna say ta me
you can forget about me now
please believe me
taken half a year ta find out
why a whisper grows in the dark
if i could see it i’d still
never know
why you wanted ta break my heart
in two – ya did an’ i ain’t sorry
though i really
wanted you
but i was caught between a fantasy
an’ the real world

i don’t even wanna know
why you are tryin’ to belong
you’re just a mystery
but you kept goin’
on an’ on . . .
well, you can put me in yer scrapbook
like so many words gone down
like the sound of
fallin’ snow
i ain’t around no more
ta tell yer troubles to
an’ i won’t listen
if i could but I will always
in my dreams remember you

whatever . . .

collect my duds
and take them all
to willie’s
i can pick them up
when i go through
that part of town
tomorrow afternoon

i won’t be back
until I’m over
till the sirens
can’t seduce me
when i look at you
and i refuse to answer
like you always do

or when i reach
that moment maybe
never turn around
or not remember
without grinning
what we did
so long together

one for wondering how much time

if i was sound asleep
you called me
i’d miss the chance
to say i’m

hard pressed moments
from a cuckoo bird
is what we share
yet we are growing
up together
we’re apart or not
i’ve never wondered
why we keep it rolling

seems like boot lace lovers we
will zig and
zag our way around to
eyelet twenty-three
get so tangled
tied in knots
absurdly happy for a while
you and me

the disconcertion

i cannot look
to long faced lines
of woe or wit
or solemn etudes
humming moods of
woo or call your name

as the rock
mouthed pessimist
i stand to draw
to me the gloom
of life and speak
so cynically of
happiness and youth

i slash at what
to me is thickwit
feeble lives
portrayed in work
and calling out
for help
that is not wanted

bottled up inside
without the benefit
of seeing what
i look for
shines frustration
like alone
without a book
i seem to miss you

american ingenuity runs rampant

when i was just getting over
the artificial world of
america – even making love seems artificial these days –
when i was just getting over
this plastic world in which i
work and play i saw an
electric wire coming out of the ground
and up a tree it went down and
it went into the ground on the
other side it came out of the
ground at the next tree and
i thought . . .
electric trees

i could live again

remember how
we used ta laugh the day away
in the comfort of a warm dive
had no cares ta worry ‘bout
no bills ta pay
we could laugh all day now
didn’t we smile a lot at bein’
up all night
we could slide on down by mornin’
yea we could
wouldn’t we smile a lot at bein’
naked on the floor
till the sun came up an’

oh, how i loved you
how we did it all the time

oh, could i live again

on a saturday

as i roll around to meet
it with my head beneath my pillow
i am trying to forget it
always comes around again
stumbling through the clothes and blankets
scattered on the floor
i reach the kitchen
i look into the outside through the window
see the blanket that has
turned into a mountain on my lawn
i put the kettle on the stove
take out a cigarette but everybody’s gone

saturday in a.m. time
soon turns to afternoon
and i’m not ready for another
run through brew ha ha and everything
that makes the day so great
i will just relax today is what
i always say
i never do
and it’s that second cup of coffee
that puts me on my feet to start anew

and i am fascinated by the way
the dishes pile up
so fast i don’t remember eating
that much food
it was only yesterday i finally got my clothes
back to the washer for a brand new
lease on them and now the dishes need it too
and the mirror is no fantasy on saturday
reality is what is there
it looks me in the eye i am in shock
and all i do is stand and stare

if it wasn’t for the night
before the morning
wouldn’t be so bad and i
could simply rise and shine as if
it was the middle of the week
no i never learn a lesson if
i get knocked down
on a friday i’ll be back
on a saturday to turn the other cheek