a travelled road #1

way down the road
it goes way down
an’ you can see for
just about forever
so far down
the road
if you can make it
that far down

up the road a piece
the road goes on
an’ on until you feel
you may be flyin’
up the road a spell
you feel the wheels
are flyin’ off

just around the bend
the road goes everywhere
an’ anywhere the road
can go – it does
it goes around
the road
if you can be there
where it goes

and such is life
that goes wherever
goes to where the road
will go
an’ down an’ up an’
all around
enjoy the ride there’s
lots to see and do

A Travelled Road #2

Where does the road end?
I don’t know – Does
knowing where it leads
just how it stops?
And can just anyone roam
on any one road?

To start down one
road mean it must
be followed or
can one road be
diverted from?
Is this a road to nowhere or
to endless possibilities?

And does the road
take turns to
alter its direction?
Are the choices
purely ours or
are they made for each of us?

Is this a road less
travelled, too,
or mainstream,
well maintained,
and high-speed honed
for fast track

Moving down the road
to where it may
or may not end
is what we do,
to effortless oblivion
or maybe something

Oh, where does it end?