I am the mountains – I am the trees
I am whatever you want (me to be)
I am the river that flows to the sea
I am the clouds being tossed in the breeze
I am the spirit of three hundred men
I am resurgence, again and again
I am the living – I am the dead
I am the minstrel spinning yarns in your head
Enjoy your time with me
In both gladness and distress
Take a deep, deep breath
I’m your confidence
I am your promise – I’m your guarantee
I am the gift of a skeleton key
I am your answer – your ideal cup o’ tea
Yes, I am whatever you want (me to be)
I am the stillness all moonlit and starry
I am the tempest with lightning and fury
I am the respite for bones when you’re weary
I am the ocean waves, their splendor, their glory
I am the mountains – I am the trees
I am the river that flows to the sea
I am the clouds being tossed in the breeze
I am whatever you want (me to be)
So true. Love this poem – powerful.